Baiazid, fiul lui Hurrem II
Posted On decembrie 29, 2015
Cu toate acestea sultanul tot a crezut ca Baiazid a actionat intentionat cu intarziere atunci cand a decis prinderea impostorului.
Soliman a avut in total 5 fii: Mehmet a murit cu aproximativ 10 ani inaintea lui Baiazid. Dupa moartea printilor Mustafa si Cihangir mai ramasesera doar doi pretendenti la tron, Selim si Baiazid. Selim guverna in Manisa, iar Baiazid in Kutahya, doua orase aflate la jumatatea drumului pana la Instanbul.
Suleiman ajunsese la varsta de 60 ani cand rivalitatea dintre cei doi frati era tot mai evidenta, atunci acesta a decis sa le schimbe sangeacurile, astfel Selim urma sa conduca Konya, iar Baiazid Amasya, cele doua sangeacuri se aflau acum la o mai mare departare de capitala, insa distanta era tot egala.
However Sultan Bayezid all thought he acted intentionally delayed deciding catching impostor.
Soliman had a total of five sons Mehmet died about 10 years ahead of Bayezid. After the death of Mustafa princes and Cihangir now remained only two contenders to the throne, Selim and Bayezid. Selim government in Manisa and Bayezid in Kutahya, two cities located halfway to Istanbul. Suleiman had reached 60 years of age when the rivalry between the two brothers was more evident when he decided to change sanjaks so Selim was to lead Konya and Bayezid Amasya, two sanjaks were at greater away from capital, but the distance was still equal.