Hurrem Sultan (Sultana Hurrem) IV
Posted On decembrie 24, 2015
In anul 1521 Hurrem il naste pe primul print, Mehmet, in anul urmator se naste printesa Mihrimah, iar mai apoi in 1523 Abdullah.
Din pacate destinul ultimului print este foarte scurt, acesta murind dupa doar 2 ani. In anul 1524 se naste printul Selim, iar anul 1526 este reprezentat de nasterea lui Bayazid.
Datorita istetimii sale si datorita faptului ca isi dorea cu ardoare sa se diferentieze de celelalte slujitoare Hurrem reuseste sa il faca pe Suleyman sa se casatoreasca cu ea, incalcand astfel traditia care le interzicea sultanilor sa aiba sotii, nunta celor doi are loc in anul 1530.
Folosindu-se de convertirea la islam si de regula potrivit careia femeile care aveau relatii cu un barbat in afara casatoriei erau considerate pacatoase Hurrem reuseste sa isi indeplineasca inca un vis, acela da a fi singura sotie legitima a sultanului.
In 1521 Hurrem gives birth to first print, Mehmet, next year is born princess mihrimah sultan and then in 1523 Abdullah. Unfortunately fate last print is very short, he died after only two years. In 1524 Prince Selim was born, and 1526 is the birth of Bayazid. Due to wit his and because he earnestly wanted to differentiate itself from other servant Hurra manages to make it on Suleyman to marry her, thus violating the tradition that forbade sultans have wives, wedding two takes place in 1530.
Using the conversion to Islam and the rule that women who had relations with a man outside marriage were considered sinful Hurrem fails to fulfill another dream, that give to be the only legitimate wife of the sultan.