Hurrem Sultan (Sultana Hurrem) VII
Chiar daca isi dorise din tot sufletul sa isi vada unul dintre fii pe tron, Hurrem a murit inainte ca acest lucru sa fie posibil, dupa moartea ei a murit si printul Baiazid, tronul revenindu-i astfel printului Selim, dar despre asta vom vorbi intr-un nou articol.
Hurrem has not escaped any of the charges as she would have stood behind the murder of Ibrahim, best friend and also sulatnului Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire.
Sultana Hürrem Sultan allowed to be with them for the rest of his life, usually when a print sanjakbeg leave in his mother went with him, and Hurra managed to break this rule. Roxelana died eight years before her husband, which left a huge hole in the soul Sultan, who could not forget that he could not see life without her.
Even if wished with all my heart to see his one of his sons on the throne, Hurra died before this to be possible, after her death died and Prince Bayezid throne assuming the so Prince Selim, but we’ll talk about in -a new article.