Baiazid, fiul lui Hurrem IV
In acest fel ultimul dintre pretendentii la tronul Sultanului Suleyman a murit, iar drumul printului Selim catre putere fusese eliberat. Din pacate insa acesta a fost doar inceputul caderii celui mai mare imperiu, asa cum veti citi in articolele urmatoare Selim va ramane in amintirea istoricilor drep Selim Betivanul, iar Imperiul Otomat construit cu atata grija de Suleyman si de ceilalti Sultani isi va pierde incetul cu incetul puterea si farmecul.
Thus in the September 25, 1561 Bayezid and four sons were executed in Persia. Bayezid was married to the Sultan Rana who managed to bestow his four sons and then Defne Sultana, who gave him a son.
In this way the last of the pretenders to the throne of Sultan Suleyman died and Prince Selim road to power was released. Unfortunately this was only the beginning of the fall of the greatest empire as you read the following articles Selim will remain in the memory of historians righteous Selim swipe and Empire Otomat built so carefully by Suleyman and other Sultani will lose slowly power and charm.